A new creation by Dmitry Bykov.
Russian poet Dmitry Bykov in his new verse ridiculed the receipt by the actor Nikita Dzhigurda so-called passport of the terrorist group “Donetsk people’s Republic” (“DPR”).
The creation of the author published on the website of the newspaper “Interlocutor”.
Here is the text in full:
“So, citizenship DNR
Adopted Nikita Dzhigurda.
I confess, I had faith,
That he will go there.
His soul is hid from us,
But manners, for example,
Style Nikita –
One of the citizens of the DNI.
His glasses, his ballads,
And a terrible roar, and beard,
His divorce and escapades –
From television shows to the court that –
And devotion to the principles severe
And meat, alien food
Unite trisyllabic word
A single word out of the chair!
May he, the actor, whose roles bad
The singer, whose songs are not strong,
But will become a symbol of the era
And even the name of the country.
Here – from the tropical forest
And to Arctic ice
Out of politeness, out of progress
Reigns thick at least!
Let this little interest,
What to clarity – Yes!”
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