The winners of the “Nicky” made the scene in the protection of detainees in the protests and political prisoners.
A number of Russian filmmakers who took part in the awards ceremony of the film award “Nika”, urged the authorities to listen to the participants of the anti-corruption demonstrations across the country a few days ago.
In particular, Alexander Sokurov, who received “Niku” in a nomination “Honour and dignity”, believes that the state is making a mistake, “behaving so familiarly with schoolchildren and students.” “We need to hear them,” says the Director.
Sokurov said about the overly harsh actions of law enforcement agencies, especially those aimed at women, and suggested the state Duma to adopt a law prohibiting “to touch the women and girls involved in the mass actions”. The words Sokurov whose speech was greeted with a standing ovation, joined by another famous Director, Alexander Mitta, who received “Nika” in the nomination “For outstanding contribution to Russian cinema”.
Director Alexander Krasovsky, the author of the film “the Collector” and laureate in the nomination “discovery of the year”, referring to the detainees at the demonstrations, called on the community to “use their power to change something in their lives”. Krasovsky was supported by the elder Director’s workshop in Russia – mark Zakharov.
In addition, Alexander Sokurov and actress Yelena Koreneva, who won the award for best supporting actor, the scene recalled the Russian political prisoners, mentioning, among others, Oleg Sentsov, Oleg Navalny and Sergei Mokhnatkin.
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