The chief Rabbi of Sochi Ari Edelkopf said that he and his family face deportation from Russia.
How to write Edelkopf on his Facebook, the reason for deportation “referred to the provisions of sub-clause 1 of clause 1 of article 7, N115-FZ, that is, our actions threaten the security of the Russian Federation”. What exactly he is accused Russian authorities Edelkopf said.
In turn, the head of the public relations Department of the Federation of Jewish communities of Russia Borukh Gorin, commenting on the situation, said that Edelkopf for 16 years in Sochi was only interested in one thing — to give the opportunity of Sochi to the Jews “to live a full Jewish life.”
The prosecution of Edelkopf in violation of immigration laws, quoted by “Interfax” statement Gorin, due to the desire “overly zealous officials to get new “stars” for their activity in addressing alleged violations of the law”.
The representative of the Federation of Jewish communities of Russia expressed the hope that “this misunderstanding is cleared up”.
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