Before you start to hear the confessions of the faithful, the Pope himself confessed their sins.
Pope Francis went to confession in St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome.
The Ordinance was administered during the traditional penitential service in the main Church of the Vatican, – reports the edition Rome Reports.
Francis led the repentance ceremony, during which everyone had the opportunity to confess their sins. The sacrament of confession have made a couple of priests and also the Pope.
Before you start to hear the confessions of the faithful, the Pope himself confessed their sins. In silence he walked over to the booth of the confessional, knelt down and began to speak. After a few minutes, the mystery ended with a permissive gesture of the priest.
In the Catholic Church the act of repentance is preceded by the so-called examination of conscience. In silence and concentration every believer turns to God asking for help to remember all the sins committed, be aware of their weight and to find the strength not to commit them in the future. This prayer pause took place this evening.
In 50 minutes, Pope Francis managed to hear confessions from 7 believers.
The ceremony was accompanied by beautiful singing of the choir of the Sistine chapel, who performed the legendary “Miserere” by Gregorio Allegri.
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