Zhytomyr became one of the most promising construction markets in the country.
Now in Zhytomyr the construction of eight new LCD, and half of them were initiated in 2016. In addition, sales are conducted in several complexes, was commissioned recently.
“For such a small city like Zhitomir, with a population of about 250 thousand people, it is a good indicator. But most importantly, since last year the construction market in the city intensified. A similar burst of activity of local developers was observed 3-4 years ago”, – says the Director of the media Department of CBS holding Natalia Podolskaya.
According to her, the peculiarity of construction in Zhytomyr LCD is intimate and mostly small altitude. “Medium floors Zhitomir LCD about 10 floors, plus or minus a couple of floors. Buildings with higher floors are extremely rare,” – says Natalia Podolskaya.
The cost of housing in the primary market of Zhytomyr starts, according to the CBS, from 8.5-9 thousand UAH per sq. m. Maximum price of apartments in under construction houses – about 11 thousand UAH per sq. m. the prices for housing in new buildings, commissioned during the past few years, says Natalia Podolskaya, about one and a half times higher.
“The proximity of Zhytomyr to the capital, the availability of good road connecting it with Kiev and Lvov, as well as unsaturated market modern, high-quality residential complexes make the local market is very promising for developers. Surely his development will only accelerate in the near future”, – Natalia Podolsky.
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