Construction of low-rise housing is more clear and simple rules.
Despite the fact that Kiev is the leader in Ukraine in the construction of multi-storey housing, with only 2% of their funds, the people of Kiev are willing to invest in the improvement of housing conditions, the average for Ukraine, the figure is 1.8%.
“The surprise for us was the fact that in the Western regions this figure is much higher – there are 5-6% of the population willing to spend their money on housing. There is mainly constructed low-rise housing. Having considered why people are a lot more likely to invest in a low-rise building, we came to the conclusion that because it is somewhat more clear and transparent rules. This is confirmed by General statistics in Ukraine, because of the whole complex of residential development, only 14% are multi-storey buildings”, – said Elena Shulyak, head of Department “Construction” of the initiative Better Regulation Delivery Office.
The increased trust of Ukrainians to the low-rise construction noted and other market experts.
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