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In the Kherson city Council was a scandal. Video

В Херсонском горсовете произошел скандал. ВидеоThe official refused to talk with a chaplain from the ATO in the Ukrainian language.

In Department of registration of residence of individuals of the Kherson city Council there was a scandal. There came a military chaplain Igor Petrenko to register his wife and child and asked the clerk to talk to him in the state language.

But the employee thought his behavior is defiant, refused to make photocopies of documents, and then completely stopped taking. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Chaplain Petrenko took the altercation in the video and its key stakeholders.

“That’s Russian-speaking does not want to accept fundamentally and talk to me in Ukrainian. But the guards came. Also Russian-speaking,” he said and went to the boss of the Department, so she called to answer his subordinate, because “he is already in full swing.”

The guard Department reminded the priest about the article of the Constitution, which guarantees the protection of the Russian language.

In turn, the head of Department of registration of Svetlana Besedin explained that her subordinate refused to communicate in Ukrainian due to improper behavior of the chaplain, and him being late for the appointment, transfer Nikolaev news.

“Certainly, we as employees, officers, we have no right to argue. There must remain silent, have to wait until the people speak, and maybe vicikitsa”, – said Besedin.

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