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In Omsk collapsed building emergency

В Омске рухнул аварийный домAt the scene concluded the work of the breeders, information on possible casualties as a result of the collapse has not been confirmed.

Experts have completed work on the emergency site of the collapsed two-storey house in Omsk, and found under the rubble of people.

“The handlers have completed work at the scene, but people under the rubble was not found. Thus, information about possible victims and the victims of the collapse, according to preliminary data, isn’t confirmed”, – said interlocutor Agency.

Emergency non-residential house on the street 2nd lane Track, built in 1954, collapsed around 14:30 local time (11:30 GMT). It was settled in October 2016. Initially it was assumed that under the rubble there may be people engaged in illegal analysis of building structures.

Prosecutors and the investigating authorities of the region have begun checking in respect of local authorities, which could not be properly organised demolition and protection of brick buildings.

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