The property was taken out of state ownership on the basis of forged documents.
Kiev local Prosecutor’s office No. 6 of the court requires the return of illegal possession of the residential premises that belong to the municipal property and located in Basseynaya street in the Pechersk district.
In capital Prosecutor’s office said that in 2015 the property has an area of 103 sqm on the basis of forged documents was illegally withdrawn from state ownership and were later repeatedly resold to individuals.
“Given the violations, local prosecutors filed a lawsuit to the Pechersk district court of Kiev with the requirement to summon the said property from illegal possession and return it to a territorial community of the capital”, – stated in the message.
In addition, as noted, on this fact the Prosecutor’s office registered criminal proceedings under part 4 of Art. 358 (forgery, sale or use of forged documents, seals, stamps) of the criminal code of Ukraine.
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