Experts of the Ministry of defence began the disposal of hazardous items from military warehouse near Blakley.
As of March 28, in the Arsenal has 11 teams of bomb experts. During the day each of them can clean up to 50 meters site.
That find the bomb squad disposed of by detonation. For this isolated quarry on the ground Balakleya repair plant, 10 kilometers from the district center. According to experts, residential areas already cleared. However, firefighters continue the survey.
As reported in the state service for emergency situations in Balakleya back all the inhabitants who were forced to leave the city. In the town in emergency mode emergency crews work.
Read also: Fire in Balakliya: new footage of a powerful explosion. Video
We will remind, in the night of 23 March in balakliia began to explode Ukraine’s largest ammunition depots. The fire was extinguished on Friday. According to experts, damaged 265 buildings. The sum of losses has exceeded UAH 200 million.
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