Retired from the state of Montana Ethel MacDonald passed more than 16 thousand kilometers, traveling the world by Bicycle.
A resident of the USA traveled to at least seven countries. Recently, the 78-year-old woman visited Ireland. To travel by a former teacher of French beginning in 2003, after retirement.
My first trip McDonald made along the Atlantic coast of France. She also visited the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Not spared the woman attention and the United States.
According to MacDonald, which has already become a grandmother, she likes that traveling alone do not need someone to wait. The pensioner admits that he feels in such cases, independent and mistress herself. Usually over time the American makes about 1.6 thousand kilometers, which takes three to four weeks. Usually it makes one or two trips per year. During the journey McDonald stops at other travelers, which finds through the Internet. According to her, this can save a lot of money.
The pensioner has also made its own rating of countries most suitable for touring. The first place it is the Netherlands, followed by Denmark and Germany. The fourth position is shared by France and Belgium.
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