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Amazing artifacts found with metal detector. Photo

Удивительные артефакты, найденные с помощью металлоискателя. ФотоInteresting archaeological finds.

Hope to find treasure or ancient artifacts nourishes those people who go looking for them with metal detectors. And, perhaps, these hopes and labors will not be in vain, because the ground is really hidden. Most importantly, if you are going to arrange this exciting adventure, be aware of the law. In this review, “a dozen” is an amazing and valuable finds that have been made by enthusiasts.

1. Crosby Garrett Helmiet

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This 1800-year-old helmet, or rather dozens of pieces, was found on one of the fields in England. On his recovery in the auction house, where he was after his discovery, it took more than 200 hours, but your efforts were not in vain. This stunning discovery consisted of a mask that reflects a classic Roman face, and connected to the headpiece, which was adorned with a miniature figurine in the shape of a Griffin.

The restored helmet was not meant for warriors, it was used by the Roman cavalry during tournaments or performances recreating famous battles. In total, the UK was found three similar helmet. Subsequently, the discovery was sold at auction for £2.3 million in excess of its market price 10 times.

2. Staffordshire treasure

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In 2009, in Britain, in the County of Staffordshire, was found the largest Anglo-Saxon hoard of gold and silver objects that had lain in the land 1,300 years. However, all the items found were intended only for military purposes swords, helmets. Archaeologists don’t know exactly why it was buried. Some believe that the winners hid their prey, others that the items were offerings to the gods. Most of the products it is bent or broken.

In the Germanic tribes it was the custom to break the weapons before burial, so that nobody could use it. They believed that in this case the offerings were sent to the spirit world. And all three Golden items from this amazing treasure had no direct relationship to military science – two crosses and a plate with a quote from the Bible. Apparently, these items were used for warriors with amulets.

3. Stirling necklace (torques)

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David Booth, went out for a walk, grabbed a metal detector, and found at a depth of only six inches high, one of the most significant hoards ever found in Scotland. It was four necklaces (torques) made by the master blacksmith of between 300 and 100 years BC, the Find was unusual in that necklaces were made in different styles, two of them in the Scottish style, one in French, and one of the most interesting, combining two styles – Mediterranean and Scottish.

This finding showed that the Scottish tribes in the Iron age was more closely linked to Europe than previously thought. National museums of Scotland bought torques over 462,000£

4. Ring Eskrima

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In 2009, in the field behind the town was found Escrick a delicate ring made, according to experts, 5-6 century in Europe and owned by a man of a noble family. The ring made specifically for the stone to show its beauty. Sapphire it was a few centuries older than the ring itself. Historians hope to understand the technology of manufacture ring of such high quality. It was sold to the Yorkshire Museum for £35,000.

5. The cross of Hunslev

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In March 2016 in the town Auncles in Denmark by Amateur archaeologist has found an unusual artifact, likely representing a cross with a length of 4.1 cm and a weight of 13.2 g, dated the find to the first half of X century. The image on one of the sides is reminiscent of the crucifixion. You may find that this is the most ancient crucifixes from all found in Denmark.

Then the scientists will have to reconsider their ideas about when Denmark adopted Christianity. However, while it is not established whether this finding is a Christian relic, and not a pagan jewel.

6. The tomb of the Roman era

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Phil kirk, a treasure hunter from England, in the field finding Roman coin, felt that the search here is worth pursuing. And he was right – a few jars and a bronze dish has indeed been found. Kirk contacted local experts and told them of his discovery, and they decided to explore the field in person. Archaeologists found a bottle with cremated bones and concluded that here was the grave of a noble person.

They also found glass bottles, an iron lamp, a small piece of lava, as well as a coin dated to the early third century. But the main discovery was a mosaic, glass dishes, made in Alexandria (Egypt). Subsequently, in 1954, on the same field were found Roman pottery, and in 2013 – tomb with the remains of Roman.

7. Chaplinsky treasure

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In 1998, in the County of Somerset, England, had accidentally discovered a hoard of Roman silver coins of the period 1st century BC – 3rd century BC in the amount of 9212 pieces. Archaeologists have established that in England in those days was settled by the Romans, and coins was probably buried by the owner of one of the Roman villas. The Museum in Somerset bought this treasure for 265,000£.

8. Treasure Hoxne

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In 1992, going into the field to look for the lost hammer of his friend, Eric Lawes found there a treasure of gold and silver. About finding friends reported to the municipal Council, and soon came a team of archaeologists. All were found in the excavations 14865 Roman coins of gold, silver and bronze of the late 4th – early 5th century (late Roman Empire) and about 200 silver Cutlery and gold jewelry.

The lost hammer, incidentally, is also found. The treasure also had historical value. Many spoons were engraved the Christian symbols, which was the indication that their owners were Christians. And this, in turn, means that in Roman Britain of the time Christianity was adopted.

9. The ax of the bronze age

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Tom Pearce during the search unearthed bronze first one head, then another few dozen of the same. With friends who came to his aid, was dug about 500 such copies made around 700 BC, it was Surprising that all these axes were never used as intended, but they could not be used because it is made of metal of poor quality, they were very fragile. Therefore, it was concluded that the manufactured and they were buried for ritual purposes.

10. Cup of Ringler

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In 2001, archaeologist lover cliff Bradshaw, who discovered several exhibits seventh-century barrow Ringler in England and to continue further exploration in this place, was lucky enough to unearth a delightful old Cup, made in the period 1700 – 1500 years BC And in spite of significant damage, it looked fine.

Made in the Cup was from a solid ingot of gold, like the five others that have been found in continental Europe. The finding suggests that people who lived here had connections with continental Europe long before the arrival of the Romans. The British Museum purchased the Cup for 270,000£.

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