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In one of the Kyiv schools took a strange video clip

In the story, the school yard was turned into a prison. In one of the capital’s schools have received the original filming, for which has been transformed the school yard. Here arranged the scenery of the American prison. In social networks the event has caused an unprecedented outcry. And the …

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Brooke shields won unfading beauty

The actress attended the ceremony fashion awards CFDA . American actress and model Brooke shields – a rare guest at social events. The other day a 52-year-old Bruck attended the awards ceremony CFDA (CFDA Fashion Awards) which was held in new York. For the release of the actress chose a …

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Searches at the city hall Irpin has confirmed GPU

GPU explained why security forces raided the city hall Irpin. The Prosecutor’s office of Ukraine confirmed the June 7 searches in the building of the Irpin city Council. The searches were carried out on the basis of court rulings. About it reports a press-service GPU. So, the searches conducted by …

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