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Ukrainians promise in the heat of June and cool August

Украинцам обещают жару в июне и прохладу в августеClimate scientists: to the “swing” should be used.

The long-awaited heat will come exactly on the calendar — June 1, forecasters promise. Moreover, according to forecasts meteoritov, the heat at +30 and above will last three weeks and will subside only after 20 June. In General, the summer will be “average”, without much heat, and rains will abound. But, as a year ago, we can expect sudden warming and sudden cold snaps.

JUNE. According to the Deputy chief Ukrgidromettsentra Anatoly Prokopenko, the first month of summer will be close to normal as temperature and precipitation. In the afternoon the air warms up to 30, nights will be cooler, up to +15 and below, especially in the first decade. Agree with him and the national forecaster Leonid Gorban, calculate, when not to leave the house without an umbrella. It can be useful in the period from 2 to 5 June, depending on the region, as well as 15-17 and 25-26. By the way, 15-17, the team promises the heavy rains of the month in these days may fall to 20 mm of precipitation. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

JULY. According to forecasts Prokopenko, “top of summer” will be hot (temperature will rise to +32), but with the rains. “After the rain, usually cold, but not for long, as it is still July, we were told Prokopenko. — In the Odessa region and in other regions of the South in mid-summer are expected to be strong storms with hail.” Gorban and promises us the average daily temperature in July is +20-25, that is the night by 5-7 degrees colder than “average”, and the day is warmer. “Disperse the heat will not allow heavy rains, which in July, is expected to six: two in the first decade and four in the period from the 15th to the 30th. And from 15 th to 20 th of possible strong storms and hail,” — said the national forecaster.

AUGUST. Prokopenko says that August will be cool, with precipitation below normal. “I agree, but a little rain will often only month expected 8-10 “wet” days: from 2nd to 4th, 9-10th, and with the storm, 15-17 th, too, with hail and Gale, and from the 26th through the 30th — detailed its forecast for Gorban. — Hence, regular temperature “swing”: after rain there will be colder nights to 12-15 degrees, and the day the average daily temperature will be +18-24″.

WHY. In General, according to meteorologists, the summer promises to be unstable. “All summer, expect unstable weather: very hot and then cold. Naturally, all these transitions must be rainy. Frequent weather changes say about climate change. That is, to the vagaries of weather, like heat on April 1, and frost on may 1, it is necessary to get used,” — said the head of the Department of climate research and long-term weather forecasts by the meteorological Institute of the NAS Wazir Martazinova. Gorban said that such “whims” are repeated every seven years, and the summer 2018, there will be almost no changes in temperature, hot and stuffy.


This summer three of the holiday weekend — Pentecost, Constitution Day and Independence Day.

Trinity falls this year on Sunday 4 June (the output will be 3, 4 and 5 June), and according to weather forecasts, the day is 90% likely to be rainy. Forecasts meteoritov and national forecaster show that on Trinity Sunday throughout Ukraine is expected to let small, but significant precipitation. Temperatures will remain comfortable around 25 degrees Celsius. By the way, on national signs, on the Trinity needs rain is the abundance of mushrooms, the warm summer and late frost.

But Constitution Day, which always falls on June 28 (falls on a Wednesday and is closed), it is expected, according to forecasts Gorban, clear, warm and dry.

About this and waiting for independence Day August 24 — warm and not rainy. He this year falls on a Thursday, and the output will be 24, 25, 26 and 27 August.

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