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Specialties-killers: the most dangerous food in the world. Photo

Деликатесы-убийцы: самая опасная еда в мире. ФотоFood can be dangerous and even kill.

There are some products of animal and vegetable origin, which, like poison, poison the body immediately.

The following list includes the most dangerous food in the world. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

However, proper advice on its preparation will help to avoid tragedy and make food from potential killers in the delicacies that will amaze you with its unusual taste.

1. Puffer fish (Japan)

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Puffer fish rightly bears the title of one of the most dangerous delicacies in the world, although it is considered the national dish of Japanese cuisine.

Nobody will give you 100 percent guarantee that after this lunch, you can survive. It is very important that a chef who prepares fugu, was this proven professional.

Puffer fish can be consumed:

Fried, boiled, cheese (sashimi). Also commonly eat fugu with rice wine, and miso, a product of traditional Japanese cuisine.

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To eat the liver and other internal organs of the puffer fish contain a deadly dose of tetrodotoxin. This poison paralyzes the muscles and stops breathing.


In the period between 1996 and 2006, there were 44 deaths after eating puffer fish.

2. African burrowing frog or bullfrog (Namibia)

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In several African countries, particularly Namibia, burrowing frog eaten whole, and not just her legs. In this lies the main danger.

Eat a frog before the start of the breeding season means to risk your own health.


There is a frog entirely. It contains a number of dangerous toxic substances that can kill a man.


Young individuals that have not yet started to breed, the most deadly. Consumption can cause death from kidney failure.

3. Aki (Jamaica)

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Aki or Blige delicious –tree, widespread in the Caribbean, particularly in Jamaica.

The danger of unripe fruits of Aki, and the black seeds contained inside.

Can be consumed:

Only a ripe fruit without seeds.


To eat unripe fruits. They contain a toxin hypoglycin A and B. Once in the human body, this substance turns into a deadly poison that causes the so-called Jamaican vomiting sickness.

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Known cases when this illness has led to severe dehydration and even death.


In 2011, there were 35 cases of poisoning with this exotic fruit.

Approximately 1 out of 1000 people trying Aki puts your body at risk of being poisoned.

4. Sannakji (Korea)

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Sannakji is a traditional Korean dish. Live octopus pour sesame oil, then sprinkle with sesame seeds.

As the octopus brought to the table alive, he’s still writhing on the plate and wiggles his tentacles. Little suckers on those tentacles cling in a person’s mouth for all that they can, and so can lead to death from suffocation.

The most important rule when eating this dish is its thorough chewing.

Statistics: each year, about 6 people die from suffocation as a result of this unfortunate dinner.

5. Bloody clams (China)

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Bloody clams are a very popular dish in Asia, particularly China. Its name they received because of the bright red color.

This color is due to the presence of a large amount of hemoglobin inside.

Shellfish is cooked or steamed.

The danger of their use is that these molluscs contain various viruses and bacteria.

Hepatitis a And E, typhoid, dysentery –this is only a partial list of diseases associated with eating contaminated shellfish.

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Precisely because of the risk of various diseases in many countries prohibited the import of such a product.


In 1988, contaminated shellfish have been infected about 300 thousand people. In Shanghai has started a real epidemic of hepatitis A.

The result of the outbreak 31 people were killed.

About 15 percent of those who use the bloody clams in the food, infecting himself as one of the above diseases.

6. Haukal (Iceland)

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Haukal is the national dish, very popular in Iceland. This jerky bowhead sharks is very popular among Icelanders and tourists.

In its raw form it is very dangerous. The thing is that the meat of the Arctic shark contains a large quantity of urea, this makes it poisonous.

A shark has no kidneys and urethra, it is for this reason toxic substances are produced in the skin.

To avoid poisoning, shark carcass is cut into pieces and dried for 6 months. Pre-carcasses placed in special containers with holes, into which flow the poisonous juices.

7. Cass The Manganese (Italy)

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Cass the Martz –produced cheese in Italy (Sardinia).

Known for the fact that it contains live cheese fly larvae that cause fermentation product. This rotten cheese is not for nothing is “the most dangerous” in the world.

The larvae can pass through the intestinal wall, thereby causing a number of serious diseases.

8. Jellyfish Nomura (Japan)

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All toxic substances must be removed. The glands of this jellyfish contains a real poison that can kill a person.

However, correctly handled and cooked jellyfish is a no-brainer.

Japanese cuisine is served jellyfish as a very valuable delicacy.

9. Pangium edible (Southeast Asia)

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Pangium also known as edible fruit, “to be abhorred”.

Contains a high amount of cyanide, due to what is deadly dangerous to humans.

The fruit can be consumed only after thoroughly cleaned it from the skin and processed.

10. Fisich (Egypt)

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Feseekh can be enjoyed in the day of the spring festival in Egypt (sham El Nessin).

The fish is dried under sun and kept in salt for a whole year, after which it is ready for use.

But it’s not a guarantee that you will remain alive after taste it.

Every year, dozens of Egyptians fall into the hospital with severe poisoning. For example, in 2015, 6 people were hospitalized with severe poisoning, after eating this fish.

Statistics for 2009-2010 even more sad: we know of at least four cases of poisoning ended in death.

11. Cassava or manioc is edible (South America)

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Cassava is consumed in boiled, fried , steamed or grilled.

Raw edible cassava contains a high concentration of linamarin, which, turning into cyanide, can kill a person.

Regularly recorded deaths after eating this plant.

So, in 2005, 27 Filipino schoolchildren died after a snack, which included this product.

12. Monkey brains (Asia)

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Monkey brains eaten mainly in Asia. This delicacy is very popular among tourists.

They can be eaten raw, baked and boiled.

However, it should be careful to treat this dish. Because it can cause a serious disease, called Creutzfeldt –Jakob, is striking in the cerebral cortex.

This disease can lead to death of the infected person.

13. Absinthe (Europe)

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As a rule, liquids are more dangerous than food.

Absinthe, which is made from juice of sweet fennel or anise, contains the toxic substance thujone.

By and large, thujone is a natural hallucinogenic and psychotropic drugs. In the case of addiction it leads to mental disorders, tuberculosis and even epilepsy.

Dependent of the substance can also experience suicidal tendencies.

14. Elderberry (worldwide)

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Berries should be eaten ripe, carefully prepared, cleaned from stones, twigs and leaves.

It is in these parts of the berry contains dangerous substance –cyanide.

Surely, everyone knows that this substance can be considered a severe poison for the human body.

Improper treatment of the berries can lead to bouts of diarrhea, as well as the emergence of other more serious diseases.

15. Raw cashew nuts

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Remember: never eat a cashew in its raw form! There can be ONLY roasted.

As a rule, “raw” nuts that we see in the supermarket, has already passed a steam treatment to rid the product from chemically harmful substances.

Raw cashew contains urushiol, a poisonous substance that can kill a man. Known cases when poisoning with this substance caused the death of a person.

16. Rhubarb leaves (worldwide)

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In the root of rhubarb contains oxalic acid, which negatively affects our kidneys.

Symptoms of poisoning are the following:

nausea, breathing problems, diarrhea, eye pain, burning in the mouth and throat, red urine.

There are several cases where poisoning rhubarb led to a fatal outcome.

17. Carambola (worldwide)

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If you have problems with the kidneys, that only 100 grams of juice of this fruit can be a real poison.

The toxins in the fruit can negatively affect the brain and the nervous system.

For those who have kidneys are working properly filtered and harmful substances (neurotoxins), this fruit is not dangerous, it can be safely eaten.

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