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Spain will open a huge conifer maze

В Испании откроется огромный хвойный лабиринтA masterpiece of landscape art created by the resident of Cantabria, planted 4 thousand of conifers.

The labyrinth of Spain opens on April 8, the newspaper El Pais. It was created by a resident of Cantabria Emilio Perez, planted 4 thousand of conifers on the territory of 5 thousand square meters.

To the creation of the maze caused the economic crisis, Peres was involved in the sale of coniferous trees, however, the demand in recent years greatly decreased. At the same time the daughter of Perez were left without work. The Spaniard decided to replant trees that could not be realized, and create the largest in Spain, the labyrinth, which is sure to become a popular tourist attraction.

According to the publication, the length of the passages of the maze over 4 km, and where the exit is, know only its creators. But starting April 8, tourists can enter the maze with cell phones: in case someone get lost, would be enough to dial the number of one of the creators of the maze, and a visitor will find and withdraw. Estimates of Presov, the most savvy will find the exit for half an hour, and the average tourist for an hour.

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