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Home / INCREDIBLE / Scientists have made an unexpected statement about spiders

Scientists have made an unexpected statement about spiders

Ученые сделали неожиданное заявление о паукахSpiders eat in a year than whales.

Zoologists have estimated the total mass of the murdered and eaten by spiders living beings to 800 million tonnes annually.

The population density of spiders comes to 1 thousand individuals per 1 sq. m. Their total weight, according to researchers, is 25 million tons. The basis of the diet of spiders are insects, it also includes frogs, lizards, snakes, fish, birds, bats and plants. Spiders consume more food than whales, they “eat” up to 500 million tons per year. People eat up to 400 million tons of meat and fish.

In addition, the features of the diet of spiders vary depending on the ecosystem. So, the spiders that live in forests and meadows, kill more insects than others. The study scientists came to the conclusion that spiders is the biggest enemy of insects in natural conditions, so they are required to maintain the ecological balance. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

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