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This dried fruit has anti-cancer properties

Этот сухофрукт обладает противораковыми свойствамиAnother reason to love prunes.

Dried plums are probiotic fruit and recent studies have shown that they can reduce chances of getting colon cancer. Dried plums or prunes are very popular and widespread. However, the likelihood that you could start to consume them after you read this article, high.The previously mentioned studies was conducted by Dr. Nancy Turner, who is a Professor of research in the field of science, division of food and nutrition, the University of Texas. The essence of this study was that dried plums helps to stimulate the preservation of the microbiota, known as gut bacteria, which is created in the colon.

If you stop the growth of tumors and cancer cells, intestinal bacteria reduce the risk of cancer. There are more than a trillion types of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Inflammation can occur if there is a violation of the microbiota. This inflammation increases the risk of colon cancer. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Prunes are rich in phenolic compounds.
Phenolic compounds found in prunes, were considered in the study. They are very good for health and able to balance free radicals, and also act as antioxidants. It is known that free radicals damage DNA and can extend the risk of development of cancer cells.

The experiment was conducted on rats. Rats were divided into two equal groups. The first group was on a diet that contained prunes, and the second group was not.

The diets had the same amount of calories and macronutrients, so the only thing was the difference – prunes. The next step was the study of the intestinal contents and colon tissue.

Prunes accumulates healthy gut bacteria

Findings were discovered when it was examined the contents of the intestine. First, they observed that the rats that were on a diet of dried plums improved the health of the intestinal microflora, it was observed a reduction of unhealthy intestinal flora. Rats without prunes diet had the opposite results.

Rats that consumed dried plums, also showed reduced expression of aberrant foci, compared to other rats. Aberrant foci suggest an increased risk of developing cancer.

Creating more of the microbiota in the distal part of the colon (last part of large intestine) in rats that ate prunes, had lower chances of getting cancer, as stated by the researchers.

Final submissions about prunes
In conclusion, Dr. Turner conducted a study that proved that if you eat prunes, you can encourage a healthy system of the microbiota, thereby reducing the risk of colon cancer.

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