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Home / Medicine / Scientists were able to “outsmart” the aging

Scientists were able to “outsmart” the aging

Ученые смогли "перехитрить" старениеFound a way to preserve youth

Researchers from Harvard after extensive research has stated that every woman can stay young without plastic surgery.

According to scientists, the elixir of youth does not exist, but any woman following these simple tips, you may look much younger than their years. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Experts stressed that the process of aging of the large effect genes, but they can “outsmart”. Simple methods will enable you to look younger at least ten years, and if you adhere to the recommendations of specialists from an early age, in this case for many years to look at one age. The secret of youth preservation is very simple and it has nothing to do with the use of very expensive cosmetics. The only thing the experts warned all those who like to sunbathe – you should always use sunscreen products, but the conventional cosmetics the aging process does not slow down.

The fact that inappropriate way of life no cosmetics will not help, so researchers are advised to sleep at least seven hours a night – early to bed and early to rise, exercise at least three times a week for 30-60 minutes, and eat only homemade and light food.

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