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Home / Medicine / Salmonellosis: rules of prevention and symptoms

Salmonellosis: rules of prevention and symptoms

Сальмонеллез: правила профилактики и первые симптомыIntestinal poisoning in summer are most common, so you should know everything about them.

June is coming to an end, and in Ukraine for the cases of infection with Salmonella. Infectious diseases hospital by the end of summer will be filled ill with food poisoning and other diagnoses, the reasons for which are E. coli.

From year to year doctors-infectious disease specialists warn people about where you should be most careful not to catch the occasional infection. But why do people not listen to the experts and continue: - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

– not washing hands before eating food;

do not wash fruits, vegetables and berries;

– buy meat and eggs at natural markets;

– swim in water and swallow (by accident) the water that contains the maximum number of bacteria and sticks;

– eat cooked by someone “home” food, Shawarma, pies and so on.

If you do not stop negligent attitude to their health, the risk of contamination with Salmonella and other intestinal infections grows significantly.

Salmonellosis is one of the most serious infections to the human body. Severe poisoning Salmonella coli can lead to such consequences as: an infectious-toxic shock, cardiac and hepatic failure, dehydration, convulsions, hypotension, tachycardia, urinary tract infection, etc. Salmonella accumulates on the food, so it’s important to wash them before eating and not to forget about basic hand hygiene.

The first signs of salmonellosis:

1. The increase in body temperature to 38-39°C Fever. Chills.

2. Weakness in the body and pain in the joints.

3. Vomiting and diarrhea.

4. The language appears dry white patches.

5. Abdominal pain is typically aching in region of stomach and navel.

6. Headache and dizziness.

7. The skin acquires an earthy hue.

Self in the case of food poisoning you should not, because the patient may be infected with a threat with a stick, for example, Salmonella or Clostridium botullini. When the above symptoms should immediately call an ambulance or self-refer to the infectious disease specialist, if possible.

What to do before the arrival of the medics and what not to do:

– when salmonellosis and other intestinal poisoning not drink any medications before they will prescribe the doctor;

– drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, preferably boiled;

– is to forget about food;

– if you are far away from the hospital and to wait for an ambulance will be long, it should self-clean the stomach by drinking 1-2 liters of water and causing vomiting. The same can be done with intestine with an enema;

– stay calm and rest.

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