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Named the products that are useful in arthritis

Названы продукты, полезные при артритеThey will help to reduce pain.

Arthritis is an autoimmune disease, the main symptoms of which is joint inflammation and the associated pain.

It usually affects several joints. If you do not treat it timely and properly, it can, in addition to severe pain, can cause numbness and stiffness in the affected area of the body. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

In this disorder, the cells that are designed to protect the body generates inflammation.

In addition, the body releases antibodies that fight against its own tissues.

For against arthritis in the first place it is necessary to seek effective medical care and add in your diet some foods that inhibit pain and reduce inflammation.

Products helpful for arthritis:

• salads made of fresh vegetables and fruits;

• fruits, vegetables, especially orange or yellow, with high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants (bell peppers, citrus fruits, juice of raw potatoes, carrots, beets, cucumbers, onions, apples);

• berries (cranberries, cranberry);

• fresh juices (e.g. Apple juice or mix carrot juice, celery juice, tomato and cabbage);

• dairy products with high content of good bacteria and calcium;

• fish oil, cod liver oil (contain omega-3 fatty acids, extremely useful for joints);

• a separate fish with unsaturated fatty acids in limited quantities (trout, mackerel, salmon);

• buckwheat and lentils;

• lean meats (chicken, rabbit, Turkey);

• boiled chicken eggs.

Here is a list of products that will help you:

1. Ginger

For its anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effects, ginger can compare to ibuprofen and cortisone.

This effect you can get by eating raw ginger, or cook it from the broth.
In any case, pain will be reduced as if you took painkillers.

2. Cayenne pepper

It contains a substance called capsaicin, which also helps to generate endorphins, allowing you to ease the pain of injuries.

If the season them to your meals, or stir a teaspoon of Cayenne pepper in water and drink, then the pain is immediately reduced and you will feel much better.

3. Cherry

Its ruby color cherry owes chemical called anthocyanin.

This compound is also able to block pain and to inhibit the enzymes responsible for its appearance, exactly the same way as NSAIDs.

Daily consumption of cherries can reduce the pain by up to 25%.

4. Garlic

Garlic is another product that blocks the pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, thanks to its antioxidant properties, it helps our immune system to function properly.

To get the maximum benefit, it is advised to eat it in raw form — you can add it to salad or sauce, the main thing do not expose the garlic to heat treatment, it loses its properties.

5. Beets

Beetroot is a powerful antioxidant, after heat treatment has a characteristic sweet taste. In addition, to block the pain, it contributes to the better functioning of our immune system.

We recommend you to use it in salads or to make delicious beet smoothie.

6. Salmon

This kind of fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, so salmon helps reduce inflammation, pain and swelling.

Try to include it in your diet at least once a week.

7. Broccoli

This vegetable is also known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Thus, it is recommended to include in your diet all, who often suffer from arthritis or joint pain.

8. Olive oil cold pressed

Besides the fact that it contains heart-healthy fats, olive oil has compounds that make it one of the best products-relieving pain.

The effect of this oil is similar to ibuprofen.

9. Cranberry

These berries are rich in quercetin, a powerful anti-inflammatory substance.

Cranberries not only acts as a pain blocker in the case of arthritis but also recommended for the treatment of other diseases such as heart disease, chronic fatigue and allergies.

10. Oranges and grapefruits

These fruits are rich in vitamin C and help to reduce the risk of arthritis.
It is advisable to eat these fruits whole, because their juice contains a useful sugar.

11. Green tea

He is known as a natural source of antioxidants. In addition, green tea contains a substance called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

It inhibits production of molecules that cause inflammation of the joints and destruction of cartilage.

12. Carrots

Due to the content of beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin, carrot is an excellent means of preventing the occurrence of arthritis. Try to eat it 3-5 times a week.

13. Brussels sprouts

This vegetable slows the destruction of cartilage in the joints. If you don’t eat it often, you may be difficult to get used to its specific taste and smell.

However, make sure you have it regularly, especially if you started to feel the pain and inflammation.

14. Turmeric

If the pain and inflammation do not give you a normal life, then it is time to include this spice in your diet.

The easiest way is to add turmeric in the green smoothie.

15. Pineapple

Bromelain contained in the pineapple helps reduce inflammation and regulates the autoimmune response of the body. After all, it causes excessive inflammation.

16. Spinach

Due to the fact that spinach contains a lot of flavonoids, this vegetable helps reduce inflammation.

It is also rich in vitamin K, which also helps to relieve the inflammatory reaction of the body.

17. Tomatoes

In this case, for reducing the pain associated with inflammation, is responsible for the substance lycopene.

In order to take advantage of all its benefits, tomatoes should be subjected to thermal processing so that the lycopene is released and can be digested by the body.

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