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Home / Medicine / Lime: the health benefits that you didn’t know

Lime: the health benefits that you didn’t know

Лайм: польза для здоровья, о которой вы не зналиLime is an invaluable source of number of vitamins, microelements and minerals.

Many times perceived as limes lemons and many people can’t really change his mind, as if they are one of the types of the lemon fruit, they are perceived as a unified whole.

So to not have any mixed content, we will help to clarify and to emphasize the importance of the use of lime as part of your daily diet. Limes were originally grown in India, and they soon spread around the world. Only thanks to their amazing health benefits, they were used in the British Navy in the 1800s. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Limes protect against rheumatoid arthritis
In laimach flavonoids possess antioxidant properties and amazing antibiotic effects. Limes are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is one of the main antioxidants found in food and the primary water-soluble antioxidant in the body. Vitamin C, in fact, travels through the body and neutralizes any free radicals that can cause damage to several cells and cause inflammation in the body. One of the main reasons why limes are very important – they reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

They protect from the cold
Vitamin C is a nutrient in laimach, which protects against colds and minimizes its symptoms. Athletes and people who enjoyed the benefits of vitamin C, was living proof that the risk of colds is reduced to 50%.

Limes can prevent cholera
It was proved that in 2010 after the Haiti earthquake, after thousands of people died of cholera, limes were used to prevent this epidemic. According to research, limes stop any inflammation or disease, inhibiting the growth of bacteria. Therefore, the study used the contaminated rice with lime sauce, which automatically reduces the risk of developing cholera; Therefore, many West African villages used it as a medicine.

Lime protects your body from cancerous cells and stops their growth
Flavonoids in limaj alter the cell cycle, including apoptosis (cell death), which is a key factor to stop the growth and spread of the cancer. In an article in 2010, published in the journal “pharmacy and pharmacology”, showed how cancer cells react to the introduction of flavonoids. When mixed with saliva, flavonole glycosides inhibit cancer cells of the oral cavity.

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