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Choose a hand cream: tips from dermatologists

Выбираем крем для рук: советы от дерматологовIn winter hands need special care.

Properly selected hand cream performs several functions: moisturizes and nourishes the skin, slows the aging process and the appearance on the skin of age spots, protects against the harmful effects of UV on the skin.

Moisturizing hand cream - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

The basic components of any moisture hand cream is water and oil, the ratio of which distinguishes one product from another. Owners of dry skin is better to choose a moisturizer oil-based, but owners normal or oily skin – water based cream.

One of the most common ingredients in moisturizers for hands – hyaluronic acid in combination with ceramides, which not only makes the skin more smooth and silky, but also allows it to restore natural moisture balance. In addition, in the formulas of most moisturizers include natural oils, for example almond oil, jojoba oil has excellent moisturizing properties.

Anti-aging cream for hands

Based on moisturizer and has the ability to slow skin aging, anti-aging creams differ much more complex formula, which, in addition to standard moisturizing ingredients includes substances that stimulates the regeneration of the skin. The most common ingredients of anti-aging hand creams – vitamin C and E at the same time and contributing to restore the natural moisture balance of the skin, and makes it more youthful. Vitamin E protects the skin and stimulates the regeneration of skin cells, due to which it becomes smoother and younger. Vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen, due to which the skin.

There are a number of ingredients, whose effectiveness in slowing down the aging process of the skin proved by laboratory tests. For example, in the composition of many expensive hand creams includes retinol, is essential for growth of new cells and slow the aging process of the skin. Another popular ingredient is EGF, the anti-aging complex created from 53 amino acids and is intended to stimulate cell renewal and collagen production. For the synthesis of EGF is its Creator, American scientist Stanley Cohen, in 1986, received the Nobel prize. Studies have shown that the complex EGF promotes the healing of wounds and burns and has anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, in the formulas of anti-aging hand cream very often includes peptides, antioxidants, blocking a devastating effect on skin cells of free radicals, a complex of CoQ10, but also ingredients that protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. As delicate and thin skin is particularly vulnerable to direct sunlight, the ultraviolet radiation is often the cause of early appearance on the skin characteristic age spots.

Silicone hand cream

Silicone hand cream is a completely separate type of cosmetics that can be called a professional. The main purpose of the silicone hand cream to protect the skin from exposure to solutions of salts, acids and alkalis. Silicone hand cream can be used before any chores to keep the skin soft and glowing.

The silicon hand cream – glycerine, mineral oil, silicones and modern. Due to a special silicone formula hand cream like form on the skin invisible, but very solid film barrier, which can not penetrate harmful chemicals.

One of the main advantages of the silicone hand cream is that it does not violate the natural hydro-lipid balance of the skin and after completion of the required work, after a thorough hand washing with soap, disappears without a trace.

In addition, the silicone hand cream has a number of other useful properties: it softens, moisturizes the skin, effectively eliminates dryness and flaking, prevents the skin to “breathe“. Part of the silicone cream glycerin helps to restore the natural moisture balance in the skin cells.

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