
Called effective products for the prolongation of youth

Five foods that prevent old age.The use of these products helps to preserve the activity and tone of people in…

6 years ago

Doctors told about the dangers of regular consumption of coffee

Coffee affects the pineal gland.The constant use of the drink can trigger insomnia and to have a negative impact on…

6 years ago

The main causes and treatments of migraine

The bouts of severe headaches can be controlled.Many people throughout their lives suffer with terrible headaches from the coming migraine.…

6 years ago

The doctors explained why you need to eat carrots

Grated carrot helps in preventing many diseases.Scientists claim that daily consumption of carrots helps you to protect yourself and your…

6 years ago

Doctors told about the main principles of treatment of sore throat

Sore throat is a very common symptom.The cause can be factors such as viral infections (colds, flu), dryness or air…

6 years ago

Doctors told about the new dangers of electronic cigarettes

Vaping can cause inflammation and reduce the activity of alveolar macrophages.A new study by scientists from the University of Birmingham…

6 years ago

Doctors told, why can’t we use vitamin tablets

Most useful natural vitamins.Vitamin tablets can cause cancer.Experts advise the people of the world not only to live a healthy…

6 years ago

Found a way to predict death

Experts examined the work of two genes.New Zealand scientists have learned to predict the death of fruit flies Drosophila melanogaster-related…

6 years ago

Doctors called the product a “kill” cancer cells

Pickled cucumbers help against cancer.According to studies, pickles contain probiotics, can improve the protective properties of the immune system. Experts…

6 years ago

Doctors told why some people have permanently cold feet

The temperature of the human body regulate blood vessels. As you know, some people get cold feet almost constantly. Their…

6 years ago