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200 thousand for graduation: Andrei Makarevich outraged by the amount of fees the school daughter


Andrei Makarevich, could not remain aloof from the situation: the musician learned that my daughter he will have to pay 200 thousand rubles! The musician angered by such “inhuman money” and the family Council it was decided not to go to prom, and to transfer this amount to charity.

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“My daughter finishes school. Recently returned home somewhat shaken: the PTA raises money for prom. The inhuman and money — how would you describe softer? In General, it is not one hundred thousand roubles. And not two hundred. With student. On the final evening. May be enough for a large pool of expensive champagne.

When the first shock passed, we sat down, thought about it and decided this:

1. Prom note‑human, in the family circle.

2. The money had originally planned to make — how many do not mind — give to the hospice. Or Fund Khamatova. Or Dr. Lisa. The choice, alas, is.

We think it is better to start adult life with good deeds. And overspend we will learn later.

So here we have the initiative. Join us!

For reposts would be greatly appreciated.

Andrew, Anna, Anya,” wrote Makarevich on his page in Facebook.

In an interview with “Komsomolskaya Pravda” singer commented. As it turned out, the daughter of Andrew studying in a regular school, located in the center of Moscow: “In my opinion, quite ordinary. And certainly not the most expensive in our capital. Just a good school with good teachers.”

It is the parents who have offered to collect prom such an impressive amount, even higher than 200 thousand. “Maybe for someone it’s not money. Probably, there are people who only eat Breakfast 300 thousand. Everyone has their own priorities and values. I think all that is more than 100 thousand roubles is already beyond, from the realm of the unreal. After all we are talking about children… I heard that usually the parents pass on prom 25-30 thousand”, — said the musician.

“Not a school collects money, and the parent Committee. It’s just a vanity fair. One little diamonds jangling louder, who better to live. This is me enraged!”, he continued. The musician spoke about the holiday that was planned to arrange the children: “don’t know the Details. Seems to want to remove a SPA in a five star hotel outside the city. That is absolutely a waste of money. But I repeat: the school is good the teachers in it are excellent. They now ricochet throwing stones. This initiative is NOT SCHOOL. It is an initiative of parental Committee”.

Makarevich was voiced and the ways out of this situation: “for Example as I suggested. The money had originally planned to make at the prom to give to the hospice. Or to the Fund of Chulpan Khamatova. Or the Fund of Dr. Lisa to your son or daughter started adult life with a good cause. Of course, every parent is responsible for itself. But our school has four refused to pay that kind of money.”

© 2017, paradox. All rights reserved.

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