
Physicists conducted an experiment with antimatter

The experiment was conducted by researchers from Switzerland and Italy.The researchers first conducted a physical experiment with a positron -…

5 years ago

Scientists have unraveled the mystery of the disappearance of antimatter

In the Big Bang formed matter and antimatter.In the physics lab CERN closer to solving the disappearance after the Big…

5 years ago

On the Ground for some strange reason gets a lot of antimatter

Earlier versions assumed that the antimatter is generated closest to us pulsars.Scientists have recorded a far greater number of positrons,…

6 years ago

The unknown matter is called the source of antimatter on Earth

The nature of the particles which formed the dark matter unknown to scientists.An international team of scientists have discovered that…

7 years ago

Science and hell in one — on the poster of “Antimatter”

The premiere of the sci-Fi Thriller "Antimatter" was held yesterday. Now the film is in limited theatrical release in the…

7 years ago

“Antimatter”: when science and nightmare

Festival premiere of the British sci-Fi Thriller "anti-matter" (Anti Matter) took place last year, but to the mass audience movie…

7 years ago

Explained the absence of antimatter in the Universe

Antimatter consists of antiparticles counterparts of elementary particles, from the originals with different charges and quantum numbers.Scientist Salvador Robles-Perez of…

7 years ago