
The UN Secretary General unexpectedly condemned the terrorist attack in Finland

This incident went not to the liking of European officials.UN Secretary-General condemned the attack in the Finnish city of Turku…

7 years ago

Schwarzenegger unexpectedly pleased fans of the movie “the Terminator”

The legendary actor will once again become a person no less than legendary film.American actor, former Governor of California Arnold…

7 years ago

The scandalous Russian singer unexpectedly confessed his love to Ukraine

Live in Kiev, the daughter and the mother of the singer.Famous Russian singer Lolita, which was banned from entering Ukraine…

7 years ago

Putin unexpectedly spoke about Russia’s relations with the EU

Lavrov did not find acceptable words to describe Russia's relations with the EU.The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey…

7 years ago

Avakov unexpectedly spoke about the case Guzhva

"You have to be an idiot to intend to compromise any of the party Lyashko," said the adviser to the…

7 years ago

Vladimir Putin unexpectedly spoke about the disintegration of the Russian Federation

Putin called "dreams about the collapse of Russia" is not feasible.The master of the Kremlin Vladimir Putin has said that…

7 years ago

MotoGP: Dovizioso unexpectedly won the Italian Grand Prix

Racer Ducati Andrea Dovizioso on the home Grand Prix of Italy scored the first win of the season.In qualifying, Dovizioso…

7 years ago

Vladimir Putin unexpectedly spoke about NATO

NATO is a tool of United States foreign policy, said the Russian President.Russian President Vladimir Putin said that NATO is…

7 years ago

Putin unexpectedly spoke out about trump

Putin has called trump a "direct and outspoken" person.Russian President Vladimir Putin called US President Donald trump "direct and honest"…

7 years ago

In Russia, unexpectedly reacted to the ban, “St. George” ribbons in Ukraine

Zakharova called ban St. George ribbon in Ukraine "factor of the impossibility of the reunification of people in a number…

7 years ago