
These berries can protect against tooth decay

A good reason to love grapes. Researchers from the University of Illinois established that the compound contained in grape seed…

7 years ago

Joke of the day: parrot pulled out a tooth boy

Alternative dentistry: the father pulled son's tooth with parrot.In Taiwan, the father decided to pull out son's tooth, using in…

7 years ago

Named unexpected cause of tooth decay

The results of a study of new Zealand scientists. Researchers from New Zealand said that they found out that the…

7 years ago

Tooth sensitivity: causes and solution

Tooth sensitivity is one of the most common ailments in the world. Nearly 37% of the world population suffers from…

7 years ago

In Russia, the dentist removed the patient 22 healthy tooth

The investigation is underway.In Russia a woman-dentist of one of private clinics of St-Petersburg removed from the patient 22, a…

7 years ago

Tasty trails: 5 travel options for the sweet tooth. Photo

We know where all the chocolate.In the press and then there are reports that cocoa prices beat all records. Can't…

7 years ago

Named the best diet for a sweet tooth

There are diets that are allowed to eat sweets. Find out what!Chocolate diet. Is very strict and involves eating only…

7 years ago

Lionel Messi chipped a tooth during a football match. Video

YouTube appeared the video, as the player spits out a tooth onto the floor.The leader of the Catalan "Barcelona" Lionel…

7 years ago

Hit network: protein-sweet tooth “settled” for a dream job

The owner of the shop with ice cream treats squirrel favorite foods.In the US, a squirrel goes to the cafe…

7 years ago

Named habits that destroy tooth enamel

Piercing, cough lozenges and the seeds can harm your teeth.Strong white teeth are given by nature is not for everyone.…

7 years ago