
It looks like the largest solar power plant in the Kyiv region. Video

The average cost of construction of such station to seven million euros.The journalists showed the largest solar power plant in…

7 years ago

The Canadians will build in Ukraine five solar power plants

The cost of the first plant will amount to 14 million euros. The canadian company Canada TIU Co. intends to…

7 years ago

In Australia test the electric car on solar batteries

Electric car on solar batteries went to the 4000-mile journeyElectric vehicle Sunswift Violet went on a trip around Australia as…

7 years ago

Scientists discovered in the Solar system a new planet

A dwarf planet is beyond the orbit of Neptune. Astronomers have discovered beyond the orbit of Neptune previously unknown dwarf…

7 years ago

Scientists told how “predicts” a solar Eclipse in the modern world

Astronomers told about their "techniques".Imagine: you are the man of antiquity, some kind of Neanderthal, and your faithful sun suddenly…

7 years ago

Scientists have identified the oldest planet of the Solar system

As it turned out, the oldest planet was Jupiter.On the background of the rest of the gas giant Jupiter formed…

7 years ago

The ISS crew had to hide in the shelter because of solar flares

When the ISS passed "past the Sun", started to increase the proton events, as well as radiation exposure.After the next…

7 years ago

Scientists told about the radiation storm from a solar flare

Experts say that the potential for the further development of geomagnetic storms is still thereSpecialists from the Centre for space…

7 years ago

A solar flare has led to a deterioration of communication on Earth

The merger of the two largest groups of sunspots was the most powerful flare in the past 12 years.Head of…

7 years ago

Tesla plans to start production of solar panels

Elon Musk has decided to expand the production area of the company.Tesla began manufacturing solar panels at its plant Gigafactory…

7 years ago