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Tag Archives: president

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‘Happy day’: Pelosi hails ‘President-Elect Joe Biden’ with ‘tremendous mandate,’ votes still being counted in several states

The California Democrat framed the supposed upcoming victory as a “tremendous mandate,” even though the former vice president had yet to officially win the decisive 270 electoral votes needed to clinch the presidency. “I am so officially pleased with the outcome that is imminent, and also personally delighted because of …

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HACKED Trump campaign website proclaims US president ‘involved in origin of coronavirus’ in apparent cryptocurrency scam

While it featured the FBI and Justice Department logos, the announcement was written in broken English and without capitalizations, according to screenshots posted on Tuesday evening. “[We] have evidence that completely discredits mr trump as president,” the notice said, “proving his criminal involvment [sic] and coorperation [sic] with foreign actors …

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Kanye tells Rogan it’s his ‘calling’ from God to be president – but if not, he’s happy to run for California governor over Newsom

Though he’s running for president, former Donald Trump supporter West says taking over a smaller, though still significant, political office has also “been an idea people throw at me.” Briefly discussing Ronald Reagan’s journey from California governor to president, West said the office could be an option for him. “I …

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Iran sent fake ‘Proud Boys’ emails to intimidate American voters & ‘damage President Trump’, US spy chief and FBI director claim

Tehran was behind the “spoof emails designed to intimidate voters, incite social unrest, and damage President Trump,” Ratcliffe alleged during a special press conference on Wednesday evening.  Some registered Democrats in Alaska and Florida reported receiving threatening emails telling them the Proud Boys were “in possession of all your information” …

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Man ‘eats a heart’ over burning US flag as anti-Trump protesters face off with the president’s supporters in Boston (VIDEO)

Two competing rallies were held, totaling roughly 1,000 people between them, in Boston’s Copley Square on Sunday. The ‘Peaceful Protest Against Democrat Violence’ was organized by the Super Happy Fun America group, the same group responsible for the controversial Straight Pride Parade in 2019.  The group called on their political …

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