
Saakashvili told how many drinks Poroshenko

What and how many drinks Poroshenko.Former President of Georgia and former Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili told what…

6 years ago

These drinks will help to keep the teeth white

How to maintain pearly white teeth for those who like red wine and coffee.Dentists gave valuable tips on how to…

6 years ago

These healthy drinks will make it easy to overcome a cold

2 warming recipeGinger tea is recommended primarily for those who have are violations of the digestive system: poor appetite, nausea,…

7 years ago

These effective drinks for colds you can prepare at home

With the help of these drinks to recover faster and prevent re-seasonal disease.In order to resist viruses and bacteria, it…

7 years ago

These three drinks will help to Wake up no worse than coffee

They give a surge of strength and vigor.Alternative to morning coffee to taste hard to find, but there are drinks…

7 years ago

These drinks can trigger weight

Sugary drinks violates the metabolismDrinks containing artificial sweeteners, fructose, and sweet spirits provoke changes in the intestinal microflora.As a result…

7 years ago

These three drinks are able to cleanse the entire body

As it turned out, to cleanse the entire body at home with some drinks.Every day together with food, drinks and…

7 years ago

Called drinks, which are especially harmful to men

Sweet soft drinks are increasingly serious criticism of the medical profession.Monitor 40000 men has allowed scientists at Harvard University concluded…

7 years ago

Doctors called the best healthy drinks for flu and colds

Properly prepared decoctions of medicinal herbs and berries help to strengthen the immune system and protects against viruses and colds.Modern…

7 years ago

Named seven drinks that best protect against the flu

Experts suggested how to warm up on a cold autumn day.Besides the fact that these drinks have a unique taste…

7 years ago