
Infectious diseases hospital of Novocherkassk was closed due to the departure of all the doctors

Hospital infectious diseases hospital Novocherkassk closed due to personnel shortage. Information about it, officials tried to hide, became known at…

4 years ago

Any unknown diseases of a man under arrest is a “fail” state

Very weird (if not creepy) story with Navalny. "Taken from prison to a hospital because of Allergy attack". Sounds like…

5 years ago

Named the most common summer diseases

In this case, you will need to be treated with antibiotics.The country has already established the summer weather, but doctors…

5 years ago

The doctors talked about what diseases are caused by parasites in the body

Bacteria can cause irritable bowel syndrome. The doctors talked about what diseases are caused by parasites in the body. In…

5 years ago

Doctors told about diseases which can signal pain in the right side

What diseases lurk beneath the symptom of pain in the right side. This pain can signal some sort of disease…

5 years ago

Doctors have listed five diseases arising from the air conditioner

The air conditioner can not only cause the common cold.The best office workers in the summer is air conditioning. They…

6 years ago

The who to include gambling in the list of official diseases

There are three main symptoms, which can establish a diagnosis.The world health organization (who) listed "gaming disorder" in the global…

6 years ago

Scientists have discovered an unexpected tool to fight age-related diseases

This tool can also be used in the fight against Alzheimer's disease.Scientists from Lancaster University in the UK found that…

6 years ago

Diseases that surprise even the doctors. Photo

Fortunately, this is a fairly rare disease. We all sometimes get sick. Someone with influenza and who and what is…

6 years ago

These diseases can “pick up” in public transport

It turns out that travel by bus, trolleybus, tram and metro can result in a serious health problem.According to statistics,…

6 years ago