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The government inspectors

The list of state awards and other insignia and prowess of the new Minister of health Murashko: — medal “For assistance to drug control authorities”; — medal “For combat Commonwealth”; — medal “For merits before the Chechen Republic”; jubilee medal “45 years 3 the Department of the “P” SEB FSB …

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The USSR is a country built by slaves

So, friends — today will be a post about how all the “achievements of the Soviet industry” was built with slave labor. In the false Soviet anthem, the Soviet Union has the following lines — “unbreakable Union of free republics United forever great Russia, long live the will of the …

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The British Parliament finally approved Brexit

If Queen Elizabeth II approves the document, the UK will leave the EU at 23:00 on January 31. The British Parliament in a vote on Wednesday, January 22, endorsed lobbied Prime Minister Boris Johnson a bill under the terms of the Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, according to British …

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