
Scientists have identified how obesity affects structure of the brain

At first glance, this relationship is not obvious.Dutch researchers have studied the link between excess weight and brain activity. It…

5 years ago

Doctors called safe health dose of meat

Experts on healthy eating called the amount of meat that you can eat per day without harm to health.A recent…

5 years ago

Named products that reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer

Scientists named products, capable of regular use to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, which is the main type of…

5 years ago

What are moles most dangerous, was told by the dermatologist

Pigmented formations on the body can under certain conditions become dangerous. Famous dermatologist of Poletaev A. G. told what moles…

5 years ago

Called another danger of passive Smoking

Passive Smoking increases the risk of hypertension, is dangerous even a small dose of cigarette smoke.This is stated in the…

5 years ago

Called the fastest way to lose weight without harm to health

The best option diet for quick weight lossTo lose weight and lose kilos over the winter, Easter and may holidays,…

5 years ago

Doctors have debunked a very popular myth about weight loss

Scientists recommended to exclude from the diet popular productScientists from UK have debunked a very popular myth about weight loss.It…

5 years ago

These simple tips will help to get rid of sleepiness in the afternoon

Named nine effective tips.There are times when the whole day you feel like nothing. I want to sleep, fatigue comes…

5 years ago

Scientists have figured out what kind of music is helpful to listen in a depressed state

The results of the study turned out to be quite unexpected.Scientists from the University of South Florida found that sad…

5 years ago

The doctor called the terrible consequences of the lack of water in the body

Endocrinologist, nutritionist, founder of step by Step instructions of proper nutrition Vadim Krylov.Insufficient drink human water can lead to blood…

5 years ago