
The son of Ksenia Sobchak cheered the social network trying to take mom’s swimsuit

The father praised the son for the idea.Russian TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak showed how singing the song "Petoskey, we go…

7 years ago

Canadian nearly burned his house, trying to get rid of wasps

The accident occurred with a resident of a provincial town.A resident of the canadian city of thunder Bay accidentally set…

7 years ago

It became known that Saakashvili is waiting for when trying to penetrate into Ukraine

Ukrainian border guards told about their possible actions.The state border service of Ukraine will withdraw the passport of the citizen…

7 years ago

Ankara is trying to keep in the country the German business

The Turkish side is trying to reduce tensions in German-Turkish relations after Berlin said it will tighten economic policy towards…

7 years ago

The Russians, trying to escape from a bear killed two fishermen

The incident occurred in the Irkutsk region.Arrow if the fault is proved, he faces four years in prison.In the Irkutsk…

7 years ago

The countries of the Earth are trying to capture the moon

The satellite of the Earth become subject to a dispute more and more often.More and more countries and companies are…

7 years ago

Crimean artists were very embarrassed, trying to reach Italy on a raft of paintings

The venture was not a success. Crimean artists were very embarrassed, trying to make "art race" on their own works…

7 years ago

Kiev and Warsaw are trying to quarrel – Ministry of foreign Affairs of Poland

In Poland is also talking about hybrid war.Charges that appear in the public space regarding the alleged blocking of the…

7 years ago

The driver accelerates the car, trying to put out the fire. Video

The flames spewing from under the car, noticed a passing motorcyclistIn the Russian city of Perm the BMW driver accelerated,…

7 years ago

Trump: Russia is trying to destabilize Eastern Europe

He said the United States is working with Poland and respond to the Russian actions.The US President Donald trump, speaking…

7 years ago