
National Bank increased its currency reserves

Since the beginning of this year, the Bank increased its net foreign exchange reserves by 18%.Net foreign currency reserves of…

7 years ago

Ukraine increased gold reserves

Foreign exchange reserves increased by 14% since the beginning of the year.International reserves of Ukraine on June 1, 2017 $17,617…

7 years ago

Ukraine sharply increased its gas reserves in underground storage facilities

The stock of gas in storage has exceeded 10 billion cubic meters.As of may 31, natural gas reserves in underground…

7 years ago

Ukraine increased gas reserves in underground storages

Reserves of natural gas for the week increased by almost four percent.Natural gas reserves in Ukrainian underground gas storages (UGS)…

7 years ago

Gas reserves in Ukraine decreased significantly

Ukraine reduced gas reserves in underground storage facilities amid.The volume of gas in underground storages of Ukraine as of 20…

7 years ago

In the reserves of the national Bank began to receive money from the IMF

Began the process of money transferring the fourth tranche of the International monetary Fund.The IMF began to list the fourth…

7 years ago

On the Ukrainian TPP and CHP increased the coal reserves

Coal stocks in warehouses of thermal power plants during the week increased by 2% in warehouses TPP - 2.2%.Coal stocks…

7 years ago

The reserves have grown by $ 15 million

The controller was able to buy more than 80 million on the interbank market.International reserves of Ukraine on March 1,…

7 years ago

Ukraine increased coal reserves

Almost half of the reserves of anthracite in the amount of 351 thousand tons is located at Luganskaya TPP.Coal stocks…

7 years ago

Natural gas reserves in Ukraine have less than 9 billion cubic meters

Less than two weeks in February, Ukraine has spent 840 million cubic meters of gas.As of the morning of 13…

7 years ago