
Named the most polluted Ukrainian city

Ecologists have described the city with the most polluted air.Environmentalists called the cleanest place in the capital of Ukraine. Thus…

7 years ago

Named the best means to protect the car body in winter

Experts have called five effective ways to protect the car body from the delights of winter roads.Forecasters in a couple…

7 years ago

Scientists have named the product, improves brain function

Researchers announced a product that will enhance the brain activity of a personRegular use enhances the frequency of brain waves…

7 years ago

Named Ukrainian artists, who received another award in Russia

Artists continue to participate in the Russian competitions It is worth noting that the competition was also attended by such…

7 years ago

Named the most polluted areas of Kiev

The most polluted district of Kiev was Bessarabka.The state foods and consumer service called the districts of the capital with…

7 years ago

Named products that is safe to eat before bedtime

If this is your case, then take note of the following 6 recipes that are recommended by scientists and nutritionists.These…

7 years ago

The fire at the Odessa camp Victoria: named for the reason

Examination showed that the cause of the fire, which killed children, was the scauldron.The cause of the fire at the…

7 years ago

Named the best crossovers in the region of $20 thousand

Experts have made the TOP 10 cheap but good crossovers.Crossovers every year becoming more and more popular among motorists. Their…

7 years ago

Named best car for women

The best women's car in 2017 was the Hyundai Ioniq.Experts announced the winners of the annual contest "women's world car…

7 years ago

Named the most dangerous countries for tourists

Experts have called the most safe for tourists regionsThe network has spread information which countries are most dangerous for tourists…

7 years ago