
Maori: the most mysterious people of New Zealand. Photo

Indigenous people managed to preserve their identities. Maori - a Polynesian people, the indigenous people of New Zealand. The name…

7 years ago

First photo of mysterious Roadster Honda “leaked” to the Network

When and where will debut a concept harbinger, and do you plan to premiere it in General, not reported.At the…

7 years ago

Scientists have found the mysterious cave of the knights Templar. Photo

This cave is more than 700 years.Perfectly ordinary and unremarkable Nora, located on the territory of the farmer's field in…

7 years ago

Samsung has registered the mysterious Galaxy X

Rumored to be called Galaxy X, the company plans to release the first smartphone with folding or foldable display.Samsung registered…

7 years ago

In the Pacific ocean scientists have found the mysterious object

The underwater unit was able to photograph this natural wonderEmployees of the National oceanic and atmospheric administration (NOAA) on the…

7 years ago

The network showed the mysterious flying “alien spacecraft”. Video

As the aliens attack the Earth.Posted on YouTube a video in which are collected all the cases where it was…

7 years ago

Astronomers have found a mysterious glowing nebula

"Discovery" is 10 billion light years from the Sun. Scientists have discovered a mysterious nebula, which emits a powerful glow…

7 years ago

A mysterious “song” that dog blew up the Network

Cute doggy gives unrealistic strange song.Times star of the musical "La La land" are gone, because the hour of glory…

7 years ago

Ukrainian MP told a mysterious story about their car

Unknown opened auto Leshchenko. According to the MP, unknown person opened the car is not a statement of law enforcement.Unknown…

7 years ago

In Belize, discovered a mysterious jade

Jade coating contains 30 characters, deciphering who will be able to know the name of the Mayan king. Archaeologists have…

7 years ago