
Putin doubted the feeling of change for the better from the Russians

Russian President Vladimir Putin doubted that the majority of Russians feel a change for the better. He stated this at…

4 years ago

Ridiculous pictures of people that are not familiar with the feeling of fear

It would not hurt to protect yourself. Nowadays on the Internet there are so many different things to the layman…

5 years ago

These products will eliminate the feeling of hunger when losing weight

Tips for weight loss seems so simple: eat less, train more. But we all know what happens when you decrease…

6 years ago

“Was a different feeling”: a Ukrainian writer predicted the war in the Donbas

The novel "the Demon of Descartes" Vladimir Rafeenko wrote in 2011, and its action ends with the fact that the…

7 years ago

Doctors told how to overcome the feeling of hunger

Effective tips to fight against your natural instincts.This information will be useful for those who loves to eat, but can…

7 years ago

This autumn vegetable for a long time will eliminate the feeling of hunger

5 compelling reasons why you should eat pumpkinIn Ukraine began the season of pumpkins – one of the most useful…

7 years ago

Sport helps to reduce the feeling of hunger

Even a short daily exercise help to relax the constant desire to eat.Brazilian scientists from the University of Campinas has…

7 years ago

Hunger is not my aunt: a funny postcard of “home” feeling of a man

Hunger is not a joke. Without further ADO let's move on to the long awaited humor.

7 years ago

These low-calorie foods will take away the feeling of hunger

Products that will help to fool the brain feel full. The Chinese believe that you need to eat until then,…

7 years ago

Freediving with manta rays: the incredible feeling. Photo

Manta rays – the largest rays. Just imagine: the width of the body some individuals can reach 9 meters.Manta rays…

7 years ago