
In the ancient library, found a terrifying prophecy for mankind

The prediction of the monk associated with the disasters of the 21st century.In one of the oldest libraries, it was…

7 years ago

Exhibit: on the Crimean beach, dug out the ancient grave of a child

Mysterious grave found on the Central beach of Yalta.The passerby found the ancient tomb of one of the Central beaches…

7 years ago

On the bottom of the lake discovered the ancient fortress age 3 thousand years

Researchers believe that this castle was built during the Urartu Kingdom.A team of archaeologists exploring lake van in Turkey, found…

7 years ago

Unique discovery found in the most ancient living organisms

Discovered living organisms, according to researchers, first appeared 3.7 billion years ago. A group of Australian scientists has discovered living…

7 years ago

“Living fossil”: an ancient shark, the monster scared the Network. Video

Creepy animal was discovered off the coast of Portugal.Off the coast of Portuguese Algarve scientists caught prehistoric shark monster.The animal…

7 years ago

In the deep Turkish lake divers stumbled upon the ruins of the ancient state

At the bottom of a Turkish lake, divers found the ruins of the ancient country. The ruins of the fortress,…

7 years ago

In Italy have unearthed a unique ancient clock

On the excavation of the ruins of an ancient city found a well-preserved Roman watch.In the course of excavations of…

7 years ago

Prehistoric monster in Portugal caught an ancient shark-snake (PHOTO)

Sensation with a length of five feet. 300 small, but sharp teeth, like needles. Movement like a snake. This creature…

7 years ago

Found the remains of an ancient animal resembling a rat

Were found the remains of an ancient mammal that resembles a rat.Paleontologists Portsmouth University in the UK found the fossilised…

7 years ago

Unbelievable: in the Arctic found ancient animal with antifreeze blood. Video

Unique the find surprised researchers from around the world.This finding may explain why some species do not become extinct millions…

7 years ago