
The abolition of penalties for illicit enrichment will negatively affect the image of Ukraine – MFA

The decision of the constitutional court can affect the pace of European integration of Ukraine, said Klimkin."It's more than concern.…

5 years ago

Scientists have discovered how religious beliefs may affect attitudes to the environment

New research shows that Christians are concerned about climate change and environmental issues in General, when they show religious materials,…

5 years ago

Scientists have discovered how climate change may affect crocodiles

Climate change may lead to population declines of crocodilesIn a recent study, it was found that saltwater crocodiles are unable…

6 years ago

Video games affect the mental abilities of older people

Computer games improve cognitive abilities of seniors. Scientists of the University of Montreal conducted an experiment the results of which…

6 years ago

As dependence on the Internet and smartphones affect the chemical composition of the brain

Dependence on the Internet and smartphones affect the chemical composition of the brain.Scientists from Korea University (Seoul) conducted a study…

6 years ago

As washing the dishes and walks affect life expectancy

Wash according to the courts, as well as many other household chores, have a positive impact on health.Daily light physical…

7 years ago

The doctors explained how women affect men’s health

Experts conducted a study involving a half million couples.It was found that the level of intelligence of the wife directly…

7 years ago

Experts have told how the Pets affect the health of their owners

Pets help to avoid depressionOwners of Pets are 15-20% less likely to seek medical help.This statement Sandra Machun, head of…

7 years ago

These products are no longer only affect the appearance of teeth

Your attention is invited to a dozen products, the use of which adversely affects the appearance of the teeth.Despite the…

7 years ago

Snack before going to the supermarket may affect the purchase

American scientists have found the effect of snack on the next purchase in the supermarket.The study involved one hundred and…

7 years ago