Categories: Medicine

Nutritionists have called invaluable product for beauty and health

How to eat flax seeds for health and beauty

The use of these seeds helps to remove toxins and wastes from the body, reduces cellulite and makes the skin more elastic.

Nutritionists believe that if from time to time to take flax seeds, you will forget about dry skin, hair loss and cellulite. In addition, this product contributes to weight loss.

How to use flax seeds

It is best to take flax seeds in the morning as they affect the gastrointestinal tract.

The course of taking the flax seed – 3 weeks. The first week, take 1 tablespoon of seeds, the second and third week – for 2 tablespoons. Next, you need to take a break for 2 months.

If you want to lose weight, get rid of cellulite and improve the condition of skin and hair take flax seeds with yogurt. In a Cup of yogurt add some flax seeds and drink. To enhance the taste, you can add berries.

During the intake of flax seeds, you can start your day with a glass of water with lemon. In 10 minutes you can have Breakfast oatmeal, boiled eggs or cheese with berries. After you drink kefir with flax seeds.

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