photo report

Soviet realities in the good paintings of the talented master. Photo

They evoke warm feelings.Looking at the works of Andrey Repnikov, thought kind, mischievous plots and characters of Russian cartoons and…

7 years ago

Incredible dishes, which is gold. Photo

10 exclusive products for the rich.Edible gold has been known since the XVI century and used to decorate food and…

7 years ago

Fifteen of the most popular theories of the Apocalypse. Photo

Many of them sound very plausible. Probably many have ever wondered how long will exist on Earth and threaten humanity…

7 years ago

Syria before and after a devastating war. Photo

The ancient city was turned into ruins. What happened in Syria is really scary, and in any case cannot be…

7 years ago

The cases that NASA chose to remain silent. Photo

Many conspiracy theorists don't trust NASA. NASA is the National Aeronautics and space research. Refers to the Federal government of…

7 years ago

Disneyland has a rest: it looks like the Ferrari. Photo

Ferrari Land will be able to compete with even the French "Disneyland" An hour drive from Barcelona in the theme…

7 years ago

A huge field turned into a copy of a painting by van Gogh. Photo

Work 64-year-old American. 64-year-old artist Stan herd from Minnesota turned the field in van Gogh's painting "Olive trees." It took…

7 years ago

The most anticipated movie premieres Dec. Photo

It's time to go to the movies.Finally winter and cold evenings to sit in theaters. Moviegoers expect a few big…

7 years ago

Frightening landscapes of abandoned Japanese amusement Park. Photo

The creators of the Park were inspired by the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.A huge amusement Park opened in…

7 years ago

North Korea in a special photo. Photo

The work of the photographer from Malaysia. Photographer from Malaysia Ruben Theo visited a month ago in North Korea and…

7 years ago