This popular product triggers the development of cancer

7 years ago

The risk of developing gastric cancer is much higher in people who eat meat.To such conclusion scientists from North Carolina,…

Hotels that can easily be confused with museums. Photo

7 years ago

Here you can find a unique collection. For those who are not ready for grueling marathons to museums and art…

The researchers said the creatures “control” their evolution

7 years ago

Octopuses have learned to change their RNA.Scientists said that octopus and cuttlefish are able to make changes in their RNA,…

Scientists made a sensational statement about ancient cannibals

7 years ago

Ancient cannibals ate each other because of hunger.Scientist James Cole of the University of Brighton in the UK have estimated…

Adobe will release a “smart” app for perfect selfies

7 years ago

A well-known company creates a new "photoshop", which will automatically correct bad frames. The American company Adobe, which is engaged…

In Syria, the aircraft struck the city affected by the chemical attack

7 years ago

On the scale of the destruction and casualties not reported.Combat aircraft on Friday, 7 April, dealt a blow to the…

Became known, the trump fed President XI Jinping

7 years ago

Managed to figure out what unusual fed the Chairman of the PRC.According to them, on the celebration were invited 32…

The Chinese have released a new powerful electric vehicle

7 years ago

Officially, the new electric vehicle plan to present at the Shanghai motor show.Electric van Iconiq 7 is the collaborative brainchild…

The legend of Conan or the Legend of Schwarzenegger?

7 years ago

When Arnold Schwarzenegger is finished with politics and returned to the movie, the Studio was literally torn, offering roles in…

The anthropologist from Brighton determined the calorific value of human meat

7 years ago

It turns out that one chelovechinki will not be full. The body of Homo sapiens on average contains only about…