In February, emergency shut off third power.
Zaporizhzhya NPP on the night of March 13, disconnected the second block from the country’s power grid for scheduled capital repair, the press service of NNEGC Energoatom.
The repair will last 160 days.
Thus, as of Wednesday morning, in the work of the Zaporizhzhya NPP has 4 units. The total capacity of the generators is 4,000 MW. Comments on the operation of the main equipment of operating power units and staff there.
The radiation background at the industrial site and in the sanitary protection zone (the area around the nuclear power plant radius 2.5 km) – 8-12 micro-roentgen per hour, which corresponds to natural radiation background at the location of the Zaporizhzhya NPP.
Note, 7 March Zaporizhzhya NPP was shut down for the hundred-day repair of the fourth unit.
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