Categories: WORLD

Violent clashes in Naples: dozens of victims

In the initially peaceful protest on Saturday afternoon was attended by over a thousand people.

The number of victims in the clashes of the security forces and protesters against the visit to Naples of the leader of the opposition party “Northern League” Matteo Salvini has increased to 34, including 28 police officers.

It is noted that police arrested six rioters. Three of them left under arrest, three were released under the obligation to appear before the court.

Earlier it was reported about 16 policemen injured and four detained protesters.

In the initially peaceful protest on Saturday afternoon was attended by over a thousand people. A few hours later the group of radicals of two or three hundred people pelted the police Commissioner of the area where it would take the performance Salvini, firecrackers, and then began skirmishing with the guards.

The hooligans were armed with sticks, Molotov cocktails and stones in their attack, the police responded with tear gas and water cannons. According to eyewitnesses, civilians were forced to hide from the outbreak of war in street shops and the surrounding buildings. Set ablaze several cars and garbage cans. Local media suggest that among the speakers clashes with the police had a lot of football fans and left-wing radicals.

About the protests vs Salvini, who is known for anti-immigrant and anti-European rhetoric, as is, defends the interests of the economically developed Northern regions of the country, it was known in advance. Protesters were even supported by the mayor, a socialist Luigi de Magistris. The situation demanded the intervention of the interior Minister Marco Minniti of the country, who demanded to provide security for the visit of the leader “Northern League” in Naples.

In turn, in his speech, Salvini expressed “solidarity with the 400 police officers” who opposed the protesters, who called animals and has threatened to sue de magistris.

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