Categories: economy

The U.S. will continue to help Ukraine with money, – the Ministry of Finance

This was stated by the Minister of Finance, talking about a recent trip to Washington.

Finance Minister Alexander danyluk said that in Washington he was assured by the continuation of financial support for Ukraine, as it is strategically important in the region.

Earlier it was reported that the United States plans to cut aid to Ukraine. It was noted that funding for international assistance will also be less.
He recalled that 18-23 April arrived in the United States to attend the annual spring meeting of the IMF and the world Bank, and met with the us trade Minister Wilbur Ross.

“I have been assured that financial support for Ukraine will continue, because our country is strategically important in the region,” he said.

According to him, the US administration intention to reduce technical support all countries were part of campaign promises and, accordingly, the plans of the American President Donald trump.

“This decision is not a surprise and it is important to note that this decision concerns not only Ukraine but the whole international assistance, therefore, is not a reduction in the level of political support to Ukraine”, – said the head of the Ministry of Finance.

Danyluk also said that the meeting with Ross discussed the issue of bringing Ukraine into the investment.

“Now are working on a specific list of potential joint projects, as well as the removal of barriers to attract investment in the country”, – said the head of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

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