
Washington ready to rejoin UN Human Rights Council… to shift its attention from Israel’s violations

Touting the Biden administration’s supposed return toward “a foreign policy centered on democracy, human rights, and equality,” the newly-appointed diplomat…

3 years ago

Washington joins crusade against free speech, backs Ukrainian crackdown on opposition media as EU & Zelensky’s dad voice concerns

In a statement issued on Twitter Wednesday, the American embassy in Kiev wrote that it “supports efforts yesterday to counter…

3 years ago

Washington could put US tech in danger by going after Huawei, Professor Wolff tells Boom Bust

The ‘phase one’ trade deal “was a temporary stopgap measure to get across a period of time; that time has…

3 years ago

National Guard to remain in Washington, DC until MARCH to provide security for impeachment trial – report

According to an anonymously sourced Politico report on Sunday, a contingency force of 7,000 National Guard troops will stay in…

3 years ago

‘Hypocrisy is a tool of US diplomacy’: Russia slams Washington’s claim about ‘suppressing’ Navalny protests

The mission’s press spokesperson, Rebecca Ross, made the claims on Twitter on Saturday, adding that the police response to opposition…

3 years ago

Democracy Dies in Darkness: Washington Post backtracks after it’s caught burying Kamala Harris’ cringeworthy joke from old article

“We should have kept both versions of the story on the Post’s site…rather than redirecting to the updated one,” communications…

3 years ago

The American Empire has fallen, though Washington may not know it yet

Don’t take my word for it, though. “If the post-American era has a start date, it is almost certainly today,”…

3 years ago

Deep state players are taking advantage of the political chaos in Washington to put United States on a war footing with Iran

Talk about bad timing. On the very day that an estimated one million pro-Trump supporters were assembling in Washington, DC…

3 years ago

Democracy ‘must be respected’! France, UK & NATO condemn chaos in Washington, call for ‘peaceful transfer of power’

“Shocking scenes in Washington, DC. The outcome of this democratic election must be respected,” Stoltenberg tweeted on Wednesday, as videos…

3 years ago

‘Exceptional service’: Washington Post journalists get $2,021 bonuses after insisting Americans don’t need Covid-19 relief checks

The Washington Post, owned by the world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos, ignited a storm of controversy last week when its…

3 years ago