
Drone strike that killed children to go unpunished – report

The US Air Force’s inspector general investigated the August 29 drone strike and found no violations of law, but left…

2 years ago

‘It will not go unpunished’: a major war is brewing in North Africa

The incident is just the latest in a months-long dispute between the two North African nations, but this ever-escalating feud…

3 years ago

‘No good deed goes unpunished?’ Chelsea Manning & Glenn Greenwald launch tweet-salvos at each other in a row nobody saw coming

Former army intelligence analyst Manning launched a seemingly-unprovoked Twitter attack on Greenwald on Thursday, calling him “greedy, unprincipled,” and someone…

3 years ago

‘No good deed goes unpunished’: Bafflement as LA Times pundit compares Trump-supporting neighbors who plowed her driveway to Nazis

In a piece in the Los Angeles Times titled, ‘What can you do about the Trumpites next door?’ Virginia Heffernan…

3 years ago