
There was an unexpected footage of the Villa of the ex-wife of Putin in France

The Villa is located near the town of Anglet on the Atlantic coast of France.The ex-wife of Vladimir Putin, Lyudmila…

7 years ago

Unexpected discovered the healing properties of apples

The usual fruit protects against cancer.Regular consumption of apples as food reduces the risk of colorectal cancer, according to the…

7 years ago

Scientists have made an unexpected statement about elephants

Scientists have found that elephants like "ears". Elephants males like "ears" - the observation of their behavior showed that they prefer…

7 years ago

Scientists have made an unexpected statement about humpback whales

Humpback whales use "whisper" to avoid killer whales.Newborn humpback whales "whisper" to their mothers that they are not heard orcas,…

7 years ago

Scientists have made an unexpected statement about cancers

Scientists understand how cancers get drunk.Researched found the connection behavior of cancers and their rate of intoxication.It turned out that…

7 years ago

Medvedev has made an unexpected statement about Russia

Medvedev said that Russia is "feeding itself".The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev said that the country has…

7 years ago

7 unexpected reasons of a headache

When you have a headache, a sin of changeable weather. The headache has a special nature and can occur even…

7 years ago

Scientists made an unexpected discovery about pigeons

The pigeons found cultural evolutionExperts from Oxford University have shown that pigeons are capable of collective information sharing, which increases…

7 years ago

Scientists have found an unexpected fact about the saber-toothed tigers

Old cats hunted prey from ambush. Saber-toothed tigers is injured more often than the terrible wolves Scientists with no signs…

7 years ago

Scientists have made an unexpected statement about ants

Ants save the wounded in the fighting relatives."The ant colony lives. Someone broke a foot, it doesn't count" — this…

7 years ago